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The Scone Neighbourhood Resource Centre (SNRC) was established in 1986. We are a small team of people working together to make a difference in the lives of vulnerable families and children.


SNRC support families and individuals doing it tough by offering food, blankets and additional support through referrals to support organisations.


The service also supports the wider community as a Trainlink Agency, offering Secretarial support, Hiring equipment for events and training, supporting volunteers on the job with in and out of the office tasks, hiring a meeting room for outreach services and organising a range of events throughout the year.


The service continues to evolve to meet those needs and provide services and support to the target group, working with vulnerable individuals and families. 


Funded by the Department of Community and Justice and numerous local organisations including Upper Hunter Shire Council, local businesses and individuals in the local community through sponsorship and donations. The Neighbourhood Centre generates income through a number of programs and services to ensure the doors remain open to always be available when needed.


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